The marks of madness and violence on "El Pagano" (1989), from Rodrigo Rey Rosa


  • Rodrigo de Freitas Faqueri IFSP


Madness, Violence, Father figure, Psychological terror, Rey Rosa


This article has the objective of analyzing the short story "El Pagano" (1989), from the Guatemalan writer Rodrigo Rey Rosa, to point traces of madness on the main character, initiating violence acts. Such elements used by the author help create an atmosphere based on psychological horror, the absurd and the (ir)rational. Rey Rosa is known by the frequent occurrence of violence in his narratives. In this short story, we observe how the protagonist uses this aspect to reinforce as an acting individual, with his speech validated and respected by his family, mainly by his father figure. For this study, we used the theories from Freud (1913) about the symbolic father figure; from Pelbert (1989), about reason and madness, and other literature theorists that approach the issue of violence on contemporary literature, such as Karl Scchøllhammer (2013), Werner Mackenbach and Alexandra Ortiz Wallner (2008).


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