Musical experience and symbolic-transcendental in Ernst Cassirer and Susanne Langer




Musical Experience; Symbolism; Art.


The present article has the objective of deepening the debate about the notion of musical experience, explaining the epistemological aspects of a philosophical interpretation that we call symbolic-transcendental. It is the theoretical project initiated by Ernst Cassirer, and taken up by Susanne Langer, who argues that the manifestations of Culture are particular symbolic forms, namely: knowledge, language, myth, religion and art, from which it is possible to the human spirit to mean the real in an objective way. The capacity to symbolize, in turn, is constituted as a result of an operative function, transcendental and valid a priori, which is the foundational aspect that marks the difference between men and animals, for example. In order for the musical experience to be understood in terms of the symbolic-transcendental interpretation that we will construct here, we will undertake an argumentative course whose three central moments are: i) the understanding of art as a particular symbolic form, ii) the distinction between art and language as symbolic forms and as a necessary condition for the theory of art of Susanne Langer and iii) the constitutive aspects of musical experience (signification, production and reception).


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Author Biography

Ivanio Lopes de Azevedo Junior, Universidade Federal do Cariri (UFCA)

Doutor em Educação pela Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC), Fortaleza – CE, Brasil. Professor da Universidade Federal do Cariri (UFCA), Juazeiro do Norte – CE, Brasil.


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How to Cite

DE AZEVEDO JUNIOR, Ivanio Lopes. Musical experience and symbolic-transcendental in Ernst Cassirer and Susanne Langer. Griot : Revista de Filosofia, [S. l.], v. 19, n. 3, p. 230–246, 2019. DOI: 10.31977/grirfi.v19i3.1224. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 dec. 2024.


