The negative of recognition: from prgress to the irrecognition of progress




Recognition; Critical Theory; Idealism; Enlightenment.


The following text is divided in four articulated moments beyond a dialogue within the theory of social recognition. In the first moment, I pursuit a revision of Kantian political texts with the objective to re-discuss some of the beacon concepts of it will be the theory of social recognition. Concepts as Nature, unsociable sociability, the notion of freedom in Kant, will be central to rethink the cradle of recognition’s theory and its theoretical justifications that ends to tie the utopian view of perpetual peace. In the second movement, I tried to restore the critique of Frankfurt School’s first generation on German idealism, centering the analysis on Adorno and Horkheimer’s Dialectic of Enlightenment. It is crucial, the comprehension of Iluminism as a systemic totalitarism and our investigation will circle that theretic point, recovering the work and the discussion’s retrospect between critical theory and the enlightenment project. In the third moment of the text, I punctuate the main elements of Honnethian writes, more specifically his review of Hegelian writes of Jena period, demonstrating how the fight for recognition is heir of Kantian images of pure-practical reason. Finally, we elaborate an interpretation of Amy Allen’s The End of Progress, that lay down a solid critical terrain to the theory of social recognition, imagining theoretical mechanisms for the outcome of epistemic problems intertwined in this so celebrated analysis on humanities.


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Author Biography

Bruno Vasconcelos, Instituto Federal de Ciência e Tecnologia do Triângulo Mineiro (IFTM)

Doutor(a) em Sociologia pela Universidade de Brasília (UnB), Brasília – DF, Brasil. Professor(a) do Instituto Federal de Ciência e Tecnologia do Triângulo Mineiro (IFTM), Triangulo Mineiro – MG, Brasil.


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HONNETH, Axel. Luta por reconhecimento: a gramática moral dos conflitos sociais. São Paulo: Editora 34, 2009.

KANT, Immanuel. À paz perpétua. Porto Alegre: L&PM, 1989.

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SENNETT, R. O Declínio do Homem Público: as tiranias da intimidade. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 1999.

SMITH, Adam. A riqueza das nações: investigação sobre sua natureza e suas causas. São Paulo: Abril Cultural, 1983.



How to Cite

VASCONCELOS, Bruno. The negative of recognition: from prgress to the irrecognition of progress. Griot : Revista de Filosofia, [S. l.], v. 23, n. 3, p. 252–271, 2023. DOI: 10.31977/grirfi.v23i3.3543. Disponível em: Acesso em: 5 jan. 2025.


