Hannah Arendt and the challenge of the stability of political institutions in a secular word





Authority; Institutions; Freedom; Constitution.


We aim to analyze the theme of authority and its interfaces with the crisis of tradition, the process of secularization and power in the foundational process of the secular state, with the great challenge of "thinking without banisters " in a secularized age. We will try to understand authority as an element of state stability by keeping the foundations alive through institutions. In this sense, the institutionalization of a lasting structure is only possible when people are able to preserve, through collective action, the forces that arise between them as humans inhabit the planet. In this way, constitutional authority assumes the role of authority and no longer resides in the force or violence of its founders, but in the proportion that in the symbolic imagination the citizen understands in the founding event a model for political action in the present. These mutual agreements produce a Constitution to mitigate the weight of the unpredictability of human action. At the same time, the Constitution creates and nurtures political power within the principles of the foundation.


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Author Biography

Edson kretle Santos, Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo (IFES)

Doutor(a) em Filosofia pela Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES), Vitória – ES, Brasil. Professor(a) de Filosofia do Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo (IFES), Venda Nova do Imigrante – ES, Brasil.


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How to Cite

SANTOS, Edson kretle. Hannah Arendt and the challenge of the stability of political institutions in a secular word. Griot : Revista de Filosofia, [S. l.], v. 24, n. 3, p. 67–79, 2024. DOI: 10.31977/grirfi.v24i3.4864. Disponível em: https://www3.ufrb.edu.br/index.php/griot/article/view/4864. Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.


