The fundamental concepts of Tobias Barreto’s philosophy of culture
Barreto; Culture; Culturalism; Freedom; Philosophy.Abstract
The following article is dedicated to the philosophy of culture developed by Tobias Barreto and the implications it can offer to philosophical practice. The author of Glosas Heterodoxas a um dos Motes do Dia, ou Variações Antissociológicas (1884/1887) presents us with a way of conceiving culture that has something to contribute to the philosophical characterization of this concept. In its neo-Kantian phase, the thematization of culture is marked by a reflection that goes beyond the limits of legal theory to move towards epistemology and philosophical anthropology, in the inaugural act of a philosophy of culture that will directly influence Brazilian culturalism. By defining culture as the result of humanity's free creations in society, Barrett's philosophy opens up a horizon for considering culture as the inescapable soil of human achievements. Based on this conception, if no value capable of guiding humanity arises uncreated in the history of civilizations, it is because there is an endless process of cultivation in which humanity is freely made real. At the root of this process is an effort to make current values triumph, in a constant denial of nature. As we have analyzed, faced with Barrett's articulations of the concepts of culture, nature, society and freedom, we are invited to think about the extent to which philosophy itself is responsible for waking us up from our cultural slumber, from which we forget that theoretical life and its laws spring from the cultural soil of values.
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