A hermeneutics of the evil in the Eric Weil’s logic of the philosophy





Evil; Eric Weil; Logic of the Philosophy


Understanding violence as the negation of sense and reason, and the refusal of what makes up the essence of the world of the man who lives in a determined attitude, the aim of this paper is to analyze this concept in Eric Weil's Logical of the Philosophy, which presents the ensemble of the philosophical discourses on your itinerary as categories. We will give attention to those in which violence appears as evil. We will treat the evil in their own characteristics as it is presented by the author in the selected categories, thus forming an overview according to various discursive possibilities. We take into account both the succession of the various categories as well as the relationship of these categories with their attitudes. Finally, we try to understand the evil not as a false problem, but as a real difficulty to the development of a sense to the world of man.


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Author Biography

Daniel Benevides Soares, Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC)

Doutorando em Filosofia na Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC), Ceará – Brasil. Bolsista CAPES.


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How to Cite

SOARES, Daniel Benevides. A hermeneutics of the evil in the Eric Weil’s logic of the philosophy. Griot : Revista de Filosofia, [S. l.], v. 12, n. 2, p. 174–185, 2015. DOI: 10.31977/grirfi.v12i2.662. Disponível em: https://www3.ufrb.edu.br/index.php/griot/article/view/662. Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.


