Thinking biopolitics from theology: contributions of Agamben




Agamben; Biopolitic; Theology.


The 2007 publication, Homo Sacer II, 2, Il Regno e la Glória, is milestone in agambenana work. On the one hand, the project Homo Sacer that was to the genealogy of political power rides to new and decisive dimension: the paradigm of economic theology, which helps to explain more precisely the relationship between the kingdom and the government, and the reaches the biopolitical diagnosis. On the other hand, Agamben believes to have found this book the arcana of power: the glory. The conception of politic as administration, ὀιχονομία, government in which the omnipresence of the economy expands for all aspects of social life is index-cloaking movement that reaches the glory its maximum expression.


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Author Biography

Alex G Pin, Universidade de Brasília (UnB)

Doutorando em Bioética na Universidade de Brasília (UnB), Brasília – DF, Brasil.


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How to Cite

PIN, Alex G. Thinking biopolitics from theology: contributions of Agamben. Griot : Revista de Filosofia, [S. l.], v. 18, n. 2, p. 187–197, 2018. DOI: 10.31977/grirfi.v18i2.967. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.


