Female's body Control through the regular ad Virgiles de Cesário of Arles.


  • Angela Caroline de Lima Silva Universidade Federal de Alagoas


Regra monástica feminina, Gália merovíngia, controle do corpo


The one project has the focus of documental to regular ad virgiles written in 512 by the bishop Cesário de Virgiles to the female monastery of St. Jhon in Arles city which was in the South area of Gaul. Consisting in a monastic rule it's core is the normalization of daily habits and the way of living together from female monks, this normalization been the objective of our reflection. We'll approuch the foundations that transpassed the monastry and rules, which are Gaul aristocracy merovigian and their coalition with eclesiastical institution from the period, as well as women in dark ages, the female monasticism and the concept of body in order so that we can, in the end, comprehend the manner the rule answers the demand of body control throgh means of salvation. Proposed by the Holy church model.


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