Directions: Career Guidance and Education Program for children, adolescents and young people


  • Maria Luisa Lopes Chicote Agibo Universidade Rovuma


Educação de Carreira; Programa; Adolescentes.


This article aims to report the experience of a Career Guidance and Education Program developed in the context of the public school system in the city of Nampula. The “Programa Rumos...” aims to help children, adolescents and young people in the construction of career projects (life) from the first years of life and is supported by the developmental-constructivist perspective, which advocates that vocational development occurs associated with personal development, unfolds throughout the life cycle and is built in a given social context. The Program is articulated in three levels: “I want to be” (Childhood); “I discover” (Adolescence) and “I build” (Youth)”. At each level, we work with a specific focus: in childhood, the focus is on aspirations, in adolescence, self-knowledge and influences on vocational choices are worked and with young people, the value of work, the reality of the world of work and career building. The activities are developed outside the curricular matrix. Sessions are weekly, eight for all levels, each session lasts an average of two hours. At each level specific resources, techniques and instruments are used: group dynamics, interviews, questionnaires, scales, tests, conversation circles, videos, among others. The results show the relevance of early interventions to stimulate and sensitize the development of career (life) projects. It is also concluded that the greater impact of the program depends on its scope, where one of the possibilities is the inclusion of reflection on life projects in curricular subjects, which could improve student performance and their insertion and career adaptability.[ 1]

[1][1] The research was not funded. It was paid for by the author.


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How to Cite

Agibo, M. L. L. C. (2021). Directions: Career Guidance and Education Program for children, adolescents and young people. REVISE – Integrative Journal on Technological Innovations in Health Sciences , 6(fluxocontinuo), 143–159. Retrieved from