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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
  • The Letter to the Editors contains the main reasons why this manuscript should be published in WRIM.
  • The Letter to the Editors contains the names and contact information of five (5) possible reviewers.

Author Guidelines


The WRIM journal is published under the open access model and allows anyone reading and downloading the articles, as well as copying and dissemination of the published content.



1.  WRIM - Water Resources and Irrigation Management, ISSN 2316-6886 (on-line), is a continuous publication of the Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia.

2. The journal publishes original papers in all areas relevant to the Agricutural Engineering, including climatology; water catchment and storage systems; hydrology; planning, management and quality of water resources; irrigation efficiency and water productivity; crop management under irrigation; irrigation and drainage techniques and systems; evaluation and development of equipments for irrigation automation; irrigation and drainage projects economical analysis; water use optimization models; hydraulics of irrigation systems; crops water demand (evapotranspiration); optimization and management of hydroponics systems; crops response function to the water application and deficit irrigation; water reuse for agricultural means; salinity.

3. The authors declare that their manuscript is a inedited, and that it is not submited, partly or entirely, to the analysis for publication in other means of scientific dissemination under under penalty of exclusion.

4. During manuscript submission authors must indicate their filiation. The filiation must not contain the name of the city, country, ZIP code or telephone, and the name of departaments and/or universities should appear unabbreviated. E.g.: "Department of Biosystems Engineering - Universidade de São Paulo".

5. The data, ideas, opinions and concepts published in the articles, as well as the reference accuracy, are entirely of the author(s) responsability. The eventual mentioning of products and commercial brands does not mean its recommendation by the Editorial Board of the journal.

6. The reports must be based in the most advanced and adequate techniques for the research. When appropriate, the authors must certificate that the research was approved by the Ethics and Biosafety Comitee of the institution.

7. The papers can be submitted in Portuguese or English, with priority for the articles in English during the revision and publishing procedures.

8. The quality of the written Portuguese and English is the author(s) entirely responsability. In the case of papers submitted in English, the authors must justify the quality of the English revision or translation in the Comments to the Editor section (CV of translator/author or translation certificate from spetialized agency). 

9. Changing the article language between submission and publication is only permited with previous authorization from the Editorial Team of the Journal.

10. The papers will be evaluated by pairs of reviewers from the knowledge area of the research, from brazilian and foreigner teaching and/or research institutions, with proven scientific production.

11. By submitting the manuscript, the authors are responsible for acknowledging and revealing finantial conflicts or conflicts of other nature that may have influenced the work. The authors must identify in the manuscript all the finantial support obtained for performing the research.

To prepare the manuscript, it is recommended to follow the model (Manuscript Template WRIM).


Original papers

Original papers from researches performed in the areas mentioned in the journal scope.

The papers cannot have been published anywhere else before in its totality, including other papers or proceedings of events.

The papers will be evaluated by reviewers. At the submission, the authors must include a letter for the editor. In the case of articles written entirely in English, those must be accompanied by a explanation of the translation (Curriculum of the translator/author or certificate of translation by a spetialized agency).

Short communication

Estrutura semelhante ao artigo original, porém com no máximo 4 páginas. No máximo 2 figuras ou tabelas. Devem apresentar resultados inéditos e relevantes de forma concisa.


Literature review articles about aspects related to the journal's scope.

The papers will be evaluated by a pair of reviewers, invited articles may also be published in this section.

Technical note

Podem conter metodologias, técnicas e desenvolvimento de equipamentos. De 12 a 20 páginas, incluindo figuras, tabelas e referências bibliográficas.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.