A philosophical analysis of human nature in the Brothers Karamazov
Dostoiévski; Karamazov; Christianity; Paradox; Human Nature.Abstract
ways in which his plots were developed, indicating, in many of them, a need for excavation and structuring of an analysis of individualities and nature of each of his characters, so much so that for a long time, some critics read him as a philosophy author, which, however, does not happen. Recognizing the different natural that his work has from the text philosophical, we intend, here, to strengthen a clear and direct relationship between the literary text and the philosophical text - indicating this criticism of the philosophical form and model -, breaking the limits of subordination and/or inferiority between the areas, which allows for a broad dialogue between works and distinct concepts. To do this, I will take as a starting point the work The Brothers Karamazov to try to identify a paradoxically objective approach to the Christian narrative of sin, covering concepts such as the fall, original sin and hereditary sin. These observations will be stitched together through the effort of a reading that frames the debate on human nature in the formation and representation of the Karamazovs as representatives of the human race, going through their conflicts and clashes arising from the non-acceptance of this nature, in addition, obviously, to the complex relationship that each of the Karamazovs, similar to man, develops with their qualitative situation.
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