The attempt to prove the divine existence in the third way
Philosophy; Third way; Divine existence.Abstract
The discussion about the divine existence has an important pillar in the philosophical genesis. Considering that, from the classical reflection on the origin of everything that exists, medieval philosophical investigation, especially in Thomas Aquinas, based its speculation on the divine existence. For, from the philosophical classicism's search for the primordial element, the philosophical investigation of the Middle Ages converted such a classical endeavor into the discussion about the uncaused Cause. In this way, this article aims to reflect that the discussion about the problem of divine existence does not fit only in the theological scope, but also in the philosophical one. Because of this idea and the fact that Aquinas's philosophy was fruitful for medieval research about divine existence, it will be, firstly, reflected that the problematic about divine existence constitutes a fruitful question for Philosophy. Afterwards, it will be investigated, in the light of the Thomasian itinerary, what could be the basis for engaging in a discussion about God. Finally, a note on the third Thomistic way about divine existence will be written.
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